Vitality Essential

$ 49.95

Exclusive wellness formula engineered with 14 clinically supported major nutrients that promote long term health and wellness delivered in a concentrated, great tasting liquid blend for faster absorption and superior results. Unique & proprietary

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15 ozOVER 200 NUTRIENTS PER TABLESPOON!  This exclusive wellness formula is engineered with 14 clinically supported major nutrients that promote long term health and wellness, delivered in a concentrated, great tasting liquid blend for faster absorption and superior results. Its power packed with super-nutrients, key-nutrients, co-factors, micro-nutrients, macro-nutrients, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, enzymes, phyto-nutrients, natural anti-oxidants, and standardized herbal extracts. When used as directed, this super-food supplement may be helpful in providing the body with many essential nutrients that are missing from the modern diet. Simple and convenient (all in one bottle).  Safe and stimulant free (sugar free). Effective nutrition you can feel.  Enjoy the Vitality fx ESSENTIAL advantage!  Same manufacturer and formula as the original Biobody Balance and Vitality Plus.


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These proprietary formulas contain ingredients protected by several U.S. Patents, clinical research, copyrights and trademarks.  Unauthorized use is prohibited.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Conjugated Linoleic acid. (CLA) is a derivative of the fatty acid linoleic acid. Humans are unable to convert linoleic acid to CLA so it is important to get CLA from a proper diet.  Discovered in 1987 by scientists at the University of Wisconsin Food Research Institute, CLA is credited with many health benefits but was initially recognized for its anti-mutagenic properties against chemicals in beef that mutate bacteria. After discovering CLA, researchers began to investigate its health potential by way of laboratory study. One major research focus has been CLA’s ability to promote lean body mass and aid in fat loss. (HSR 2001) One of the reasons for the increasing level of obesity in America could be due to CLA deficiency. The CLA content in many foods has decreased by over 60% compared to pre 1960s. Laboratory research has indicated that CLA has reduced body fat levels while increasing lean muscle.  A pilot study with volunteers showed a 20% reduction in body fat and an increase in lean muscle with CLA.  These preliminary results are of great interest to researchers and therefore more comprehensive studies are currently underway to confirm these benefits. According to a recent scientific paper, CLA inhibits the body’s mechanism for storing fat and causes the body to utilize fatty reserves for energy.  CLA has been shown to inhibit lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme that breaks down fat globules in the blood so that fat cell uptake or body fat accumulation cannot occur.  The inhibition of lipoprotein lipase results in reduced fat accumulation.  CLA is also being tested in cancer research.  Preliminary studies have shown a significant reduction in cancer cells after consuming CLA.   Scientists have determined through extensive lab tests that CLA may have a positive effect on reducing cholesterol and fatty build up in arteries and veins. CLA could be one of the most important discoveries of our lifetime. Unfortunately, CLA is abundant only in fatty foods. So the making and marketing of “fat free”, “low fat”, and “reduced fat” foods entails even more loss of the compound.  Since this compound is consumed through mainly essential fatty foods, supplementation may be an answer. CLA is made through a proprietary process that converts the linoleic acid of safflower oil into conjugated linoleic acid. Safflower is currently the richest known source of linoleic acid.

Aloe Vera Gel

The Aloe Vera leaf contains over 75 nutrients and 200 active compounds, including 20 minerals, 18 amino acids, and 12 vitamins. Most botanists agree, and historical evidence suggests that the aloe plant originated in the warm, dry climates of Africa.

The plant is widely known in Asia and the Pacific, and is found in the folklore of Japan, Philippines, and Hawaii. The Spanish used Aloe and carried it with them to their new world colonies in South America and the Caribbean. Aloe is not a cactus, but a member of the tree lily family, know as Aloe barbadensis. It is also known as “lily of the desert”, the “plant of immortality”, and the “medicine plant”. The name was derived from the Arabic alloeh meaning “bitter” because of the bitter liquid found in the leaves. There are over 500 species of aloe growing in climates worldwide. (Herbal Information Center 2003)  Aloe is among the most widely used substances in the U.S. for treatment of burns and bruises. As a food supplement it is said to facilitate digestion, aid in blood and lymphatic circulation, as well as kidney, liver, and gall bladder functions. Aloe contains at least three anti-inflammatory fatty acids that are helpful for the stomach, small intestine and colon. It naturally alkalizes digestive juices to prevent over-acidity, a common cause of indigestion. It helps cleanse the digestive tract and has been used as a laxative. (IASC 2002) Aloe has a moisturizing effect on the skin and is a common remedy for sunburn and skin irritation. It can relieve itching due to insect bites and allergies. It aids in keeping the skin supple, and has been used in the control of acne and eczema. One of aloe’s main ingredients, aloe gel has been used since the 50’s as a base for nutritional drinks, as a moisturizer, and a healing agent in cosmetics and over the counter drugs. (IASC 2002) The Aloe Vera plant produces at least 6 antiseptic agents, which kill or control mold, bacteria, fungus, and viruses, explaining why the plant has the ability to eliminate many internal and external infections. The Lupeol and salicylic acid in the juice make it an effective painkiller. It also contains at least 23 polypeptids (immune stimulators), which helps Aloe control a broad spectrum of immune system diseases and disorders such as HIV/AIDS and cancer. Dr. Wendell Winters of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio calls Aloe “a pharmacy in a plant”. ( 2002)

Garcinia Cambogia Fruit Extract (Super Citrimax®)

Garcinia Cambogia is a small, sweet, yellowish fruit, also called the Malabar tamarind, which is native to Southeast Asia. It is used to impart a distinctive sour flavor to Indian cooking and has been used for thousands of years in the Orient as a food supplement. It is used as an appetite suppressant and to inhibit the absorption and synthesis of fat, cholesterol, and triglycerides. The fruit, especially the rind, contains Hydroxycitric acid (HCA), a derivative of citric acid.  HCA appears to work peripherally in the upper digestive tract and by suppression of fatty acid synthesis resulting in lower levels of body fat without altering body protein levels. In the liver HCA alters metabolic processes by diverting carbohydrates from lipid biosynthesis to hepatic glycogen synthesis. It reduces the production of stored fat from carbohydrates by inhibiting the enzymes involved. (Starr 2001) It does not stimulate the central nervous system in order to burn calories. (Woodward 2002)  Garcinia Cambogia may also improve athletic endurance. During aerobic exercise, glucose requirements by the active muscles are increased. Without adequate glucose production, exhaustion results. HCA may improve endurance during aerobic exercise by promoting the manufacture of glucose. (Starr 2001) However, individuals diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus should use extreme caution in taking high doses of Garcinia Cambogia/HCA due to its glycemic action. (Woodward 2002)

Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein

Hydrolyzed collagen protein (HCP) is the chief structural protein that makes up connective tissues in the body such as skin, bones, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. Hydrolyzed collagen is a modified form of the protein that has been broken down into smaller pieces by enzymes, which makes the protein easier to digest and be absorbed by the intestine.  Proteins are constructed from amino acids. Collagen is unique in that it has two amino acids not found in other biological proteins. Collagen is nature’s most abundant protein polymer. Collagen makes up 75% of our skin and more than a third of the body’s protein. It controls cell shape and differentiation, helps broken bones regenerate, wounds heal, and blood vessels grow to feed healing areas. The word collagen comes from the Greek and means “glue producing”. It could rightly be considered the mesh that holds us together. ( 2002)  Collagen is essential for maintaining healthy joints and limbs, as well as hair, skin and nails. As we age, collagen production can decrease substantially, failing to produce enough collagen for the body’s needs, making supplementation highly desirable. It has been shown that ingesting collagen or the hydrolysates of collagen has reduced the symptoms associated with collagen structure degradation. Therefore collagen therapy shows great promise in maintaining joint mobility and healthy limbs. (Avesta Ltd. 2003)  HCP has been used in Europe for decades as a dietary supplement and an alternative treatment for arthritis and osteoporosis. It is used as a general protein source in body building products and is also used to help athletes recover from exercise and sports-related injuries. No serious adverse side effects are known to exist for consumption of hydrolyzed collagen protein. ( 2002)

Pyruval Glycine

Puruval Glycine (Pyruvic Acid combined with Glycine) is created in the body during the metabolism of carbohydrates and protein and plays a crucial role in this conversion of food to energy, known as the Krebs or Citric Acid Cycle. Scientists who have studied Pyruvic Acid believe it may accelerate fat loss by increasing cellular respiration, which is the amount of energy the mitochondria uses. Studies suggest that Pyruvic Acid increases the resting metabolic rate, which may help reduce fat without exercise. (Ivy 1994)  A few clinical trials indicate that Pyruvic Acid supplements may improve exercise endurance as well, making it attractive to bodybuilders or anyone on a restricted calorie diet that still want to achieve an intense workout. (Stanko 1990) Preliminary research also indicates that Pyruvic Acid functions as an antioxidant, inhibiting the production of harmful free radicals. (Deboer 1993) DO NOT CONFUSE PYRUVAL GLYCINE WITH CALCIUM PYRAVATE OR POTASSIUM PYRUVATE WHICH ARE SOLD AND MARKETED BY MANY OTHER COMPANIES!  THEY ARE NOT THE SAME FOR MANY REASONS.  Pyruval Glycine is much better absorbed and utilized by the human body.

Chromium (Polynicotinate)

As an essential nutrient required for maintenance of proper sugar and fat metabolism, chromium is present throughout the body, with the highest concentration being in the liver, kidney, spleen, bone, brain, and muscle of healthy people.  However, chromium is usually poorly absorbed, with only 2 to 10 percent of dietary intake being absorbed.  Chromium supplements are available in various forms including chromium picolinate, niacin-bound chromium (Chromium Polynicotinate), and chromium enriched yeast. Organic chromium such as chromium Chromium Polynicotinate is absorbed more efficiently than inorganic chromium. And Chromium Polynicotinate closely mimics the biologically active form of chromium found in nature. Most people eat less than the recommended daily amount and absorption of chromium may decline with age so there is compelling reason to supplement chromium intake. Chromium has been shown to reduce the amount of insulin required by diabetic patients, increase glucose metabolism, increase fat loss while sparing muscle (lean body mass), and to lower serum cholesterol by an average of 14 percent and improve total cholesterol to HDL ratios by 17 percent.  Chromium functions mainly by regulating the action of insulin, the hormone that transports glucose from the bloodstream into cells. Optimal chromium intake appears to decrease the amount of insulin required to maintain normal blood sugar. Insulin not only helps control blood sugar levels, but also helps regulate the metabolism of fats.


Inositol is a simple carbohydrate that is necessary for the formation of lecithin and functions closely with the B complex vitamin choline. Inositol differs from inositol hexaniacinate, a form of vitamin B3. Inositol is a fundamental ingredient of cell membranes, especially specialized cells in the brain, bone marrow, eyes, and intestines and is necessary for proper function of nerves, the brain, gallbladder, kidneys and liver, and muscles in the body. Inositol works in conjunction with folacin, vitamin B6 and B12, choline, betaine, and methionine to prevent the accumulation of fats in the liver. It also aids in the breakdown of fats. It helps in the reduction of blood cholesterol. Inositol is also said to promote healthy hair, hair growth, and helps in controlling estrogen levels and may assist in preventing breast lumps. The abundance of inositol in fiber may explain in part why high fiber diets are often associated with a lower incidence of certain cancers. Inositol is used in the treatment of liver problems and diabetes. Neurotransmitters such as serotonin in the brain depend on inositol to function properly. Low levels of this nutrient may result in depression and some research has shown that increased levels of inositol appear to be a promising treatment for depression, panic attacks, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The B group vitamins, vitamin E and C, as well as folic acid and linoleic acid are thought to increase the functioning of inositol. No toxic effects are known with normal intake. (Healthnotes Inc. 2002)


L-Carnitine is grouped with amino acids because it acts in a similar fashion and is made in the body from lysine and methionine. Isolated in 1905 from meat extracts, it took almost 50 more years to discover the function of L-Carnitine in human physiology. It is a vitamin-like molecule needed to release energy from fat. It transports fatty acids into mitochondria for oxidation. If it is deficient, energy can be reduced and fat is not burned efficiently. (HealthQuest, Inc. 2002)  It is one of the primary nutrients used for weight loss and has also been used to increase maximum endurance and peak performance in athletes.  It is useful in increasing the heart’s output and improving its function, as well as stimulating the heart’s energy supply and improving cardiac performance. Some experts have even shown it to help regulate heart arrhythmia. (Healthnotes, Inc. 2002)


L-Glycine is an important amino acid that aids the body’s synthesis of nucleic acids, bile acids, and other non-essential amino acids. It is essential for central nervous system functions and for a healthy prostate. L-Glycine retards muscle degeneration and is required for optimum growth and for creatine synthesis, a compound present in muscle tissue and utilized in the construction of RNA and DNA. (Anglo-American Foundation 2002)  L-Glycine comprises up to a third of the collagen in the human body, playing a key role in the development and quality of skeletal muscles, tissues, and structural integrity and is required for the synthesis of hemoglobin. It is probably the third major inhibitory neurotransmitter of the brain, making it useful in the treatment of epileptic seizures and bipolar depression, producing a calming effect on the brain. (Anglo-American Foundation 2002)  L-Glycine is one of the few amino acids that helps to spare glucose for glycogen storage and energy and helps to utilize and clear fats in the blood. It is useful for gout by increasing the renal clearance of uric acid, thereby lowering the serum urate concentration. It is also useful for detoxification, alleviating the toxic effects of several substances such as phenol and benzoic acid. L-Glycine is a very non-toxic amino acid. (Anglo-American Foundation 2002)

MSM  (Methylsulphonylmethane)
Robert Herschler, working for Crown Zellerbach in Portland, Oregon first isolated MSM. Both he and Dr. Stanley Jacob of the University of Oregon Medical School have done extensive research and testing on this exciting substance. MSM, or methylsulfonylmethane, is a natural, organic sulfur compound, found in all living things. This form of organic sulfur is the forth most prevalent mineral in the human body. In his research, Dr. Jacob determined that the sulfur in MSM, called sulfonyl, is as safe and as important as vitamin C in our diet, unlike the bad sulfurs: sulfa, sulfate, sulfite and sulfide.  MSM comes from the ocean and is a prime source of bio-available sulfur, which is lost from our food because of storage, processing, drying, cooking and preserving. MSM is an important food (not a drug or medicine) and plays many roles in the body, including the stimulation of the growth of healthy skin, hair and nails. It is needed by the body for healthy connective tissues and joint function, proper enzyme activity and hormone balance, along with the proper function of the immune system.  Because bio-nutritional sulfur plays such a major role in these healthy body functions and others, Doctors Herschler and Jacob found that supplementation with MSM can improve many conditions such as: allergies, asthma, emphysema, lung dysfunction, arthritis.  MSM makes cell walls permeable, allowing water and nutrients to freely flow into cells and allowing wastes and toxins to properly flow out. The building blocks of the body, amino acids, are all sulfur binders and play a major role in the production of hormones and enzymes that regulate the body’s activities.   The body uses MSM and vitamin C together to build healthy new cells. MSM provides the flexible bond between the cells. Without MSM, the new cell is not permeable, and osmosis is hampered. These cells lose their flexibility, like scar tissue, wrinkles, vericose veins, hardened arteries or the damaged lung tissues of a person with emphysema.

Niacin (Vitamin B3)
Niacin is a water-soluble vitamin and part of the vitamin B complex. Water-soluble vitamins consist of members of the vitamin B complex and vitamin C. They are generally found together in the same foods with the exception of B12, which is present only in meat and dairy foods. The water-soluble vitamins generally function to assist the activity of important enzymes such as those involved in the production of energy from carbohydrates and fats. These vitamins are not stored to a great extent in the body so frequent consumption is necessary. (Brody 1999)  Niacin (also called nicotinic acid or niacinamide) is important for the release of energy from carbohydrates and fats, the metabolism of proteins, making certain hormones, and assisting in the formation of red blood cells. It is required for cell respiration, helps in proper circulation and healthy skin, and normal secretion of bile and stomach fluids. Niacin deficiency may be indicated with symptoms such as canker sores, depression, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, halitosis, headaches, indigestion, insomnia, limb pains, loss of appetite, low blood sugar, muscular weakness, skin eruptions, and inflammation. (Brody 1999)

Vitamin C (Asorbic Acid)
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant. These antioxidant properties help protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. One of its important functions is to protect LDL cholesterol from oxidative damage, which can lead to heart disease. Vitamin C may also protect against heart disease by reducing the stiffness of arteries and the tendency of platelets to clump together. Ascorbic acid has been shown to improve nitric oxide activity. Nitric oxide is needed for the dilation of blood vessels, making it potentially important in lowering blood pressure and preventing spasms of arteries in the heart that might lead to heart attacks.  Vitamin C is needed to make collagen. It also plays important roles in wound healing and as a natural antihistamine. It also aids in the formation of liver bile, helps to fight viruses, and to detoxify alcohol and other substances. Fatigue, easy bruising, and bleeding gums are early signs of a deficiency. (Healthnotes Inc. 2002)

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCI)
Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin needed for more than 100 enzymes involved in protein metabolism. It is also essential for red blood cell metabolism. The body needs vitamin B6 to make hemoglobin within red blood cells, which carries oxygen to tissues. Vitamin B6 also helps increase the amount of oxygen carried by hemoglobin. Vitamin B6 is needed for the conversion of tryptophan (an amino acid) to niacin (a vitamin). Since it is involved in protein metabolism and cellular growth, vitamin B6 is important to the immune system. It helps maintain the health of lymphoid organs
thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes) that make white blood cells. A deficiency in B6 may decrease antibody production and suppress immune responses. It is also needed for the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which are required for normal nerve cell communication.  Vitamin B6 also helps maintain blood glucose within a normal range. When caloric intake is low the body needs B6 to help convert stored carbohydrate or other nutrients to glucose to maintain normal blood sugar levels.

Uva Ursi
The bearberry is a low-lying evergreen shrub found in Canada, Europe, and Asia. The Latin name uva-ursi means “the bear’s grape”. The berry, which ripens in autumn, is about the size of a small currant, very bright red, smooth and glossy, with a tough skin enclosing an insipid mealy pulp, with five one-seeded stones. The leaves have no distinctive odor, but have a very astringent and somewhat bitter taste and are the only part of the plant used in medicine. (Blumenthal 1998)  Of great value in diseases of the bladder and kidneys, uva-ursi has an astringent and marked diuretic action, strengthening and imparting tone to the urinary passages. The diuretic action is due to the glucoside Arbutin, which is largely absorbed, unchanged and is excreted by the kidneys. During its excretion, Arbutin exercises an antiseptic effect on the urinary mucous membrane. It is approved in Germany as a urinary antiseptic and is the diuretic most often used in herbal weight-loss formulas to help with fluid retention. (Blumenthal 1998)

Stevia Leaf Extract
A small green plant that is a natural herb native to Paraguay, Stevia is also known as yerba dulce or “honey leaf”. A good quality stevia leaf is estimated to be 30 times sweeter than cane sugar or sucrose and is used as a natural sweetener to improve the flavor of liquids it is mixed with. Steviosides and rebaudiosides are the principal constituents found in the leaves of the plant and these sweet glycosides are released more rapidly in hot liquid than in cool liquid. Extracted, they are currently used as sweetening agents in several countries, including Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, Israel, Uraguay, Brazil, and Paraguay. Yet this sweetening effect is a pleasant by-product since the primary reason to combine stevia with other herbs is to enhance the nutritive value of those herbs. Studies have found the leaf to contain proteins, fibers, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin C and an oil which contains 53 other constituents. Scientific research has indicated stevia effectively regulates blood sugar and brings it toward a normal balance. It is helpful for hypoglycemia and diabetes because it nourishes the pancreas and thereby helps restore normal pancreatic function. In Brazil, stevia tea is officially approved for sale in the treatment of diabetes and physicians in Paraguay prescribe stevia leaf in diabetic treatment as well. (Mowry 1992) Yet it does not seem to lower blood glucose levels in normal subjects. Studies have also indicated that stevia tends to lower elevated blood pressure but does not seem to affect normal blood pressure. It also has been found to inhibit the growth and reproduction of some bacteria and other infectious organisms, including the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease. It has been reported to improve digestion and gastrointestinal function, as well as smooth upset stomachs. (Mowry 1992)  It has found its way into the weight loss industry due to its reported effect for reducing one’s craving for sweets and fatty foods as well as being a sweetener with no calories or carbohydrates. It has even been said to reduce the desire for tobacco and alcohol. After nearly 1500 years of use in Paraguay and 30 years in Japan, there have been no reported harmful side effects. In fact, “few substances have ever yielded such consistently negative results in toxicity trials as have Stevia”. (Mowry 1992)

These proprietary formulas contain ingredients protected by several U.S. Patents, clinical research, copyrights and trademarks.  Unauthorized use is prohibited.

Additional information

Weight 1.8 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 5 in