Q: Do Doctors and Health Professionals approve Vitality Essential?
A: Yes we have 100s of Doctors and Health Professionals that use and recommend to their patients and report amazing results. However Vitality Essential is not intended to diagnose, treat, heal or cure any disease.
Q: Why should I take Vitality Essential?
A: Everyone realizes that our diets are lacking in many ESSENTIAL nutrients and many are suffering from what we call Overconsumptive Malnutrition and as a nation we overfed and undernourished. We eat large quantities of processed foods, factory foods and fast foods that are laden with preservatives, chemicals, herbacides, pesticides and many times grown in mineral deficient soils, gassed, irradiated and even genetically modified. So it is common sense to supplement your diet to maximize nutrition. Our formula is a fully functional future food designed to provide the Essential nutrients that may be deficient in your diet in a concentrated liquid form that is simple, safe and natural.
Q: How long has Vitality Essential been around?
A: This amazing formula has been around for over 12 years and has blessed thousands of lives across the country and around the world.
Q: What about weight loss?
A: Vitality Essential is a combination of nutrients designed to enhance your body’s ability to convert hidden calories into useable energy. At the same time Vitality Essential decreases the chances of those carbohydrates and fats not utilized for immediate energy from being further stored in the body as fat by naturally inhibiting those processes necessary for fat storage. Many nutrients in the formula support fat loss while enhancing lean muscle. Many people report losing fat and inches very quickly. It is important to focus on inch loss more than weight loss as muscle weighs more than fat.
Q: How long should I take it?
A: It was designed to bridge the gap between what nutrients GOD intended you to have in your daily diet to function at maximum levels of health and wellness and what you actually get from your standard American diets. The positive effects of this formula are cumulative and should get better as time goes on. Good nutrition always makes good sense and the majority of our customers report that they will take it for their entire lifetime.
Q: Can Children take Vitality Essential?
A: Many do, but we always recommend that you to consult with your physician. Some children that are pre-puberty (around 12 or less) might have HGH imbalances that could hinder the use of this formula.
Q: Can senior citizens Take Vitality Essential?
A: Yes and we have many great testimonials from seniors and good nutrition makes sense for everyone.. Always check with your health care professional.
Q: Can pregnant or lactating women take this product?
A: Many do, but again we always recommend that you consult with your physician. Taking any supplement is always a greater risk during pregnancy and using extreme caution is good advice. If there is any question at all, do not take it.
Q: Can I still take my other vitamins, herbs and supplements?
A: Absolutely, Vitality Essential can actually enhance the effectiveness of other nutrients. You may find that after a period of time on the product, you can cut some of the other supplements back because of your results. There have been no reported adverse interactions at all.
Q: Can I take Vitality Essential with other medications?
A: Please consult with your physician because we are not allowed to make those kinds of decisions. There have been no adverse side effects with prescriptions or medicines to our knowledge, but every person is different. Remember, Vitality Essential is a food supplement. If you do take prescription drugs, just try to take them at a different time so that you do not decrease the effectiveness of Vitality Essential.
Q: Are there any harmful stimulants?
A: NO!!! Vitality Essential is stimulant free and all Natural.
Q: Why is Vitality Essential so expensive?
A: Actually it’s not. If you were to purchase all of these powerful ingredients separately, you would spend from $180 to $300 by combining these ingredients together, you not only create a synergistic formula, but it is also more economical. Another important thing to remember is that Vitality Essential is formulated as a liquid for better absorption. It would take about 15 pills, gel caps, capsules and liquids to equal 1 tablespoon of Vitality Essential.
Q: I am a vegetarian. Can I take Vitality Essential?
A: That is up to you. However, it is important to know that there is no beef or meat by-products in our product because the collagen is hydrolyzed (pre-digested) which leaves only the pure amino acids to be utilized the body.
Q: Why do I sleep so much better after taking Vitality Essential?
A: It’s very simple. Vitality Essential is very high in useable proteins (amino acids) which help balance many neurological functions in the brain including sleep patterns.
Q: Is Vitality Essential FDA approved?
A: No and neither is Vitamin C. The FDA approves and promotes pharmaceutical drugs and synthetic chemicals. They do not get involved with all natural nutritional products like ours. Aren’t you glad? It is produced in an FDA approved facility.
Q: How do I take Vitality Essential?
A: There is no set way to enjoy the many health benefits of Vitality Essential. Many people take the product first thing in the morning or right at bedtime depending on their schedule. Just make sure your stomach is empty because you will absorb it more efficiently. It will not hurt you in any way to take it with a meal but it’s harder to get these nutrients into your body that way.
Q: Is Vitality Essential all natural?
A: Yes! It is all natural from the major ingredients to the food grade preservatives. It is completely safe with no harmful stimulants or side effects!
Q: Can people with health problems take Vitality Essential?
A: Absolutely, and that was one of the main reasons it was formulated. We get incredible testimonies daily from all over the country. You can check some of them out right here on our website. Anyone with a serious medical condition should always consult with his or her physician before starting any supplement or product.
Q: Do athletes and fitness professionals take Vitality Essential?
A: Definitely!! Not only is it an excellent product for general wellness, it has many nutrients that can enhance performance naturally and safely. Some of the nutrients have been shown to increase energy, stamina and performance and actually help transport glucose to the muscle cell as well as help cut recovery time in half. Many athletes take before and directly after workouts and competitions.
Q: What does hydrolyzed collagen mean?
A: It means pre-digested or micronized. To make it more understandable, we take the proteins in their full form and enzymatically break them down into smaller peptides (size) in order to penetrate the villa in the small intestines. With protein it’s not quantity but quality. That’s one of the reasons Vitality Essential works so effectively.
Q: What is the shelf life of Vitality Essential?
A: About 1 year un-opened (un-used) and about 90 days if already opened. Please refrigerate after opening for freshness.
Q: What if I am getting symptoms when I first start taking Vitality Essential?
A: That can actually be a good sign and may be a natural detox. Even though this happens very rarely, some people do experience a mild detoxification or cleansing process. This means that the concentrated nutrients in Vitality Essential are starting to work on the weak areas of the body. In some cases a person will feel a little sick for a few days until the toxins are eliminated from the body. If this does happen, do not stop taking the product, just cut your dose back slightly until your body is adjusted to the formula. And increase your water intake .Then you can increase back to higher doses for optimal results.
Q: Why are the ingredients on the label not listed in their amounts in the supplement fact section?
A: One main reason. Confidentiality of a proprietary liquid formula that is now protected by certain labeling laws. Simply put, we do not want anyone to know the percentage of ingredients we are using because of fraudulent companies trying to duplicate Vitality Essential. We have the best interests of our distributors in mind and this gives our company and associates the utmost protection.
Q: How does it build lean muscle mass?
A: In two major ways. First the CLA has been shown in clinical research to produce a significant decrease in body fat while promoting the production of lean muscle mass in the body. Collagen is also very important and is the most abundant protein in the body. It naturally occurs in our systems and by supplementing the diet with it, causes a dramatic increase in lean muscle mass and strengthens all of our connective tissue (ligaments and joints). The end result is much leaner body and a loss of fat and inches!
Q: Can it be uses externally?
A: Yes because the 200:1 Aloe Vera Gel EXTRACT is very concentrated and powerful. Many people use it on minor burns, cuts and skin challenges. We always recommend that you consult your Health Care professional first.
Q: What about pets?
A: We have many amazing pet stories on file from our customers ranging from cats, dogs, birds, and even horses. Good nutrition always makes sense.